Local Little League Competition Host Rules & Regulations
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*All participating leagues should follow their state and local government’s guidelines surrounding youth sports participation, public gatherings, and mitigation recommendations prior to hosting a local event. All rules within the Little League® Rulebook are to be implemented.
Participant Eligibility
- Only chartered Little Leagues are eligible to host a local competition.
- Participants must currently be registered and meet all eligibility requirements within their chartered Little League for the 2024 season.
- The Baseball competition is open to athletes league age 9 – 12 years old.
- The Softball competition is limited to female athletes league age 9 – 12 years old.
- All Home Run Derby Local Little League Hosts must agree to comply with the following before registering1) all of the T-Mobile Little League Home Run Derby Rules and Regulations; 2) Terms & Conditions; 3) Privacy Policy; and 4) will collect and ensure submission of all required releases and event documents.
- The Local Little League Host must further certify that they are fully eligible to enroll their league in this competition as a member of the local league Board of Directors. If the local league takes insurance coverage locally and not through the national Little League insurance coverage program, the local host must have verified with their local insurance carrier and can confirm that the required insurance coverage will be in effect for the T-Mobile Little League Home Run Derby
- All Participants are required to submit the Participant Release signed by their legal guardian prior to participating. Any participant that is found to have not submitted their Participant Release or other required documents prior to participating in their Local Home Run Derby will be disqualified and their results will not be accepted.
- There is no minimum number of participants.
- Field Dimensions: Baseball: Fence Distance 170’ / Softball: Fence Distance 130’
- To create a shortened fence distance, draw a chalk line through the outfield 170’ feet for baseball and 130’ for softball from home plate or use cones.
- Judges: At least three evaluators must be stationed near the outfield fence to judge if ball landed over or on chalk/cones.
- Pitching:
- Adult pitcher(s) to be designated by the League Host. Where possible, the same pitcher should be used for a minimum of five (5) batters in each round before rotating pitchers.
- The pitcher is not permitted to throw the next pitch until the last batted ball hits the ground
- The pitcher must be positioned and pitching from behind an L-Screen for the baseball competition or square screen for the softball competition.
- The screen is to be positioned no closer than 30ft from home plate for the baseball and 20 ft for softball competition.
- Live arm pitching is preferred. Pitching machines may be used if necessary. The use of side toss is not permitted. The same pitching method should be used for all participants.
- Dates & Timing: Local Home Run Derby date and times must be submitted, updated if weather delay, and finalized within the Home Run Derby portal two-weeks prior to the Local Home Run Derby taking place.
- The contest can take place any time during the day as long as it is completed before 10:00 PM.
- Results: Results must be submitted within one (1) week of the local contest taking place and no later than June 23, 2024 (date subject to change). Results will be submitted by Local Little League Host via online portal at littleleague.org/HomeRunDerby.
- Admission: No admission charge is permitted.
- Fans should only be encouraged to attend as permitted and in accordance with local and state guidelines.
- Field Decorum: Batboys and/or batgirls are not permitted. All players shall be on their benches in the dugouts or in the bullpen.
- Equipment: Should be inspected prior to the start of the competition
- Balls – The balls used must be licensed and meet Little League specifications and standards. Baseballs shall weigh not less than five (5) ounces nor more than five and one fourth (5 ¼) ounces, and measure not less than nine (9) nor more than nine and one-fourth (9 ¼) inches in circumference. A 12” Little League licensed softball must be used for the softball competition. The ball shall be not less than eleven and seven-eight (11 7/8) inches nor more than twelve and one-eight (12 1/8) inches in circumference and shall weigh not less than six and one quarter (6 ¼) ounces nor more than seven (7) ounces.
- Bats –
- Prior to the start of the competition, participants must declare any bat they might use, and all bats should be inspected by a competition judge to ensure that they meet the requirements listed below:
- Baseball Rule – The bat must be a baseball bat which meets the USA Baseball Bat standard (USABat) as adopted by Little League. It shall be a smooth, rounded stick, and made of wood or of material and color tested and proved acceptable to the USA Baseball Bat standard (USABat).
- Softball Rule – The bat must be a softball bat which meets Little League specifications and standards as noted in this rule. It shall be a smooth, rounded stick and made of wood or a material tested and proved acceptable to Little League standards. The bat shall be no more than 33 inches in length, not more than two and one-quarter (2¼) inches in diameter, and if wood, not less than fifteen-sixteenth (15/16) inches in diameter (7/8 inch for bats less than 30 inches) at its smallest part. Non-wood bats shall be printed with a BPF (bat performance factor) of 1.20.
- Non-wood bats may develop dents from time to time. Bats that have cracks or sharp edges, or that cannot pass through the approved Little League bat ring for the appropriate division must be removed from play.
- If the certification mark/s on a bat are not legible, that bat cannot be used and shall be removed from competition.
- Use of an illegal bat will result in disqualification of the participant from the competition.
- Helmets –
- Use of the helmet by the batter is mandatory. Each helmet shall have an exterior warning label. Helmets must have a non-glare surface and cannot be mirror-like in nature. Each helmet must meet NOCSAE specifications and bear the NOCSAE stamp as well as an exterior warning label as noted above. Warning! Manufacturers have advised that altering helmets in any way can be dangerous. Altering the helmet in any form, including painting or adding decals (by anyone other than the manufacturer or authorized dealer) may void the helmet warranty. Helmets may not be re-painted and may not contain tape or re-applied decals unless approved in writing by the helmet manufacturer or authorized dealer.
- Uniforms –
- All players shall wear their local league jersey for the competition at the local level following uniform guidance from Little League.
- Catcher –
- The catcher must wear a catcher’s mitt (not a first baseman’s mitt or fielder’s (glove) of any shape, size, or weight consistent with protecting the hand.
- Male catchers must wear a metal, fiber, or plastic type cup, and approved long or short-model chest protector. Female catchers must wear long or short model chest protectors. All catchers must wear chest protectors with neck collar, throat guard, shin guards, and catcher’s helmet, all of which must meet Little League specifications and standards. The catcher’s helmet must meet NOCSAE specifications and standards and bear the NOCSAE stamp. All catchers must wear a mask, “dangling” type throat protector, and catcher’s helmet during infield/outfield practice, pitcher warm-up, and games. NOTE: Skull caps are not permitted. Warning! Manufacturers have advised that altering helmets in any way can be dangerous. Altering the helmet in any form, including painting or adding decals (by anyone other than the manufacturer or authorized dealer) may void the helmet warranty. Helmets may not be re-painted and may not contain tape or re-applied decals unless approved in writing by the helmet manufacturer or authorized dealer.
- A square screen or catch net can be used in place of a catcher.
- L-Screen/Square Screen –
- An L-Screen for baseball pitchers or square screen for softball pitchers is to be used for the safety of all pitchers and is to be positioned no closer than 30ft from home plate for the baseball and 20 ft for softball competitions.
- On-field:
- The only Little Leaguers permitted on the field are the batter and shaggers (max of 5) all of which should remain in the outfield. Shaggers must allow all balls to land (no catching).
- Other participants should remain in the dugouts or bullpen with an adult.
- A square screen is recommended behind second base, manned by an adult, to gather all baseballs or softballs.
- A First Aid Kit should be present and must be in accordance with the league’s ASAP Plan and safety code.
- Appropriate adjustments must be made for softball e.g., using softballs and square screens for pitchers.
- Sportsmanship: It is expected that those who participate in local competitions and ultimately advance to the Regionals and Championship will display positive sportsmanship. Those who do not, may be removed from the competition at any time at the discretion of the competition agency.
Duties & Obligations of Local Little League Host
- The Local Host acknowledges and agrees to follow all rules, regulations, and guidelines set forth in the T-Mobile Little League Home Run Derby Rules.
- The Local Host of the local T-Mobile Home Run Derby competition is responsible for setting the date, time, and location of their local competition.
- The Local Host of the local T-Mobile Home Run Derby competition must determine an appropriate way to include league age eligible participants in accordance with the Little League mission while promoting an inclusive environment and encouraging positive sportsmanship.
- The Local Host of the local T-Mobile Home Run Derby agrees to collect completed Participant Releases from all participants prior to the participant taking part in the local competition and providing these forms and waivers by uploading to website when submitting results. Failure to collect and provide completed Participant Releases will lead to immediate disqualification from the competition.
- The Local Host of the local T-Mobile Home Run Derby agrees to upload a photo of the Champion to official website. Local Host will be asked to complete the following steps to ensure a successful photo submission:
- Take photo of champion in front of event banner after the event concludes
- Log in to the online portal at LittleLeague.org/HomeRunDerby
- Drop photo into the designated area on league dashboard
- Click “Submit”
- Equipment donations including baseballs and/or softballs, and buckets will be released to participating leagues only if event results and photo of event winner are submitted via online portal while supplies last.
- Upon completion of the local T-Mobile Home Run Derby competition, the Local Host must submit final total results and completed Participant Waivers via LittleLeague.org/HomeRunDerby
- Note: The Local Host may host a competition for multiple Little League programs within the same or contiguous Little League districts.
- Each additional league must be identified through the registration process.
- Additional participating leagues can be added and removed in the league dashboard at LittleLeague.org/HomeRunDerby.
- One T-Mobile Little League Home Run Derby kit provided to the host league.
Event Fundraising
Leagues are welcome to utilize the T-Mobile Little League Home Run Derby as a league fundraisers long as all Little League guidelines and policies surrounding fundraising are followed.
Please review Little League fundraising guidelines at LittleLeague.org/fundraising
Event Structure
1st Round
- All participants receive 1:30 to hit as many home runs as possible.
- Any fair ball that lands over the fence in fair territory is a home run. A ball that lands on the chalk/cone line is NOT counted as a home run
- ALL home runs MUST land before the next pitch is thrown – Any pitch thrown prior to the previous batted ball landing will NOT be counted as a home run
- At the end of the 1st Round, the 10 participants with the most home runs will advance to the 2nd Round (*if event has less than 10 participants, all participants advance to 2nd round)
2nd Round
- The 10 participants receive 1:30 to hit as many home runs as possible.
- Batting order will be determined by number of Home Runs hit in first round with the lowest total number hitting first.
- Any fair ball that lands over the fence in fair territory is a home run. A ball that lands on the chalk/cone line is NOT counted as a home run
- ALL home runs MUST land before the next pitch is thrown – Any pitch thrown prior to the previous batted ball landing will NOT be counted as a home run
- At the end of the 2nd Round, the 5 participants with the most total home runs (combined totals from 1st and 2nd rounds) will advance to the Final Round (*if event has less than 5 participants, all participants advance to the Final Round)
Final Round
- The 5 participants receive 1:30 to hit as many home runs as possible.
- Batting order will be determined by total Home Runs hit in first and second rounds with the lowest total number hitting first.
- Any fair ball that lands over the fence in fair territory is a home run. A ball that lands on the chalk/cone line is NOT counted as a home run
- ALL home runs MUST land before the next pitch is thrown – Any pitch thrown prior to the previous batted ball landing will NOT be counted as a home run
- At the end of the Final Round, the participant with the most total home runs (combined totals from 1st, 2nd, and Final rounds) is the league’s T-Mobile Little League Home Run Derby Champion
Should there be a tie between two participants at the end of any round that would determine advancement to the next round or the final champion, the following tie breaking procedure will be used:
In the event of a tie at the end of the first, second, or final round, there will be a swing-off between the participants who are tied that will determine which participant advance (after 1st or 2nd rounds) or wins (after final round). Each participant will receive three (3) additional swings at a time, the contestant with the most home runs after the three (3) additional swings will advance or be crowned the champion. The additional swings will repeat until the tie is broken. Tie-breaking home runs do not count towards total home runs.
- In order to be eligible to advance to a regional competition, the participant must have won their local competition. (WINNING A LOCAL COMPETITION DOES NOT IMMEDIATELY QUALIFY A PARTICIPANT FOR ADVANCEMENT)
- If there are any ties based on local competition results, a random lottery system will be used and conducted by the Competition Agency (Position Sports, Inc.).
- Regional Competitions: The two (2) participants in each sub-region defined below with the most home runs hit during their local competition will advance onto their respective regional competition.
- Should there not be adequate participation from any sub-region, the next highest score from the overall region will be used to complete the competition field for Regional events.
- Regional Competition locations are TBD and will be announced at a later date
- Championship: The four (4) participants with the most total home runs hit in their respective regional competitions will advance onto the championship in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.
- Region 1: Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Vermont
- Region 2: Connecticut, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island
- Region 3: Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Washington D.C.
- Region 4: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, Puerto Rico
- Region 5: Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Michigan, Ohio
- Region 6: Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin
- Region 7: Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas
- Region 8: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, Washington
- Region 9: Arizona, California, Hawaii
- Region 10: Colorado, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming
Regional Finals/ Championship Rules & Regulations
For the Regional Finals and Championship, there will be a separate set of rules & regulations that will be released prior to the events taking place.
*T-Mobile, Little League and the competition agency reserve the right to alter, update, and modify these rules prior to these events taking place.